Risultati per: SMART HOME


Bergamo, 3 marzo 2023 NH ORIO AL SERIO Via Portico, 75 – Orio Al Serio La transizione digitale e quella energetica costituiscono le due grandi sfide del presente e del futuro per il mondo tecnico che ruota attorno all’installazione di impianti; ma a ben vedere sono un’unica cosa che impone un salto culturale e organizzativo […]

Scientific committee (Copia)

Scientific Committee Luca Baldin Project Manager of Pentastudio and of the information and marketing platform Smart Building Italia. He is event manager of SMART BUILDING EXPO in Milan and Smart Building Levante in Bari. Director of Smart Building Italia magazine. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Smart Buildings Alliance Italia […]

Scientific committee

Scientific Committee Luca Baldin Project Manager of Pentastudio and of the information and marketing platform Smart Building Italia. He is event manager of SMART BUILDING EXPO in Milan and Smart Building Levante in Bari. Director of Smart Building Italia magazine. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Smart Buildings Alliance Italia […]