Milano Smart City Conference

Cities as networks:
connectivity, energy, innovative services
Fiera Milano Rho, 23-24 November 2021
In November, SMART BUILDING EXPO, a technology integration event, will host the second Milano Smart City
Conference. The first edition of 2019 mapped the panorama of new technologies applied to urban centers and the territory
and it registered more than 400 technicians and administrators.
In 2021, taking advantage of the concomitance with MADE expo (the leading trade fair for the construction
world), the focus will be on the fundamental theme of the relationship between the built environment and the
urban environment.
Building and city, particular and general, individual, and collective responsibility. These are terms that we will hear
about in the coming years, when we will see a complex energy transition; however, they are also extraordinarily
topical subjects, thanks to the considerable tax benefits provided by the government to accelerate urban regeneration
through building efficiency, perhaps even more so, through the European medium-term investment strategy
known as the Green New Deal.
The aim is to address the issue of the relationship between buildings,
urban area by reversing the focus in the two working sessions.
Two mornings and one afternoon of work in presence and live streaming on the SBI Network platform with the possibility of B2B matching.
FIRST SESSION: BUILDING VS CITY Tuesday 23 November, 10am-1pm
The building is the fundamental foundation on which the smart city is built. What characteristics should new buildings have and what needs to be done to adapt existing ones so that they are resources and not a problem?
SECOND SESSION: CITY VS BUILDING Wednesday 24 November, 10am-1pm
The urban environment progressively produces new services that impact on the lifestyles of its inhabitants and, consequently, on the buildings they use as homes or places to live in. How does management at urban level impact on living environments?
THIRD SESSION: SPACE VS CITY Wednesday 24 November 2.30-5.30 pm
Earth observation technologies and the use of satellites for telecommunications are valuable resources for fulfilling certain city-functions in relation to its territory. What are they and how can these new services be accessed?

Host: Maurizio Melis
(Radio 24)
• Scenario introduction Livio De Santoli
(La Sapienza University of Rome)
• Building as terminal section of the BUL
network infrastructure
• Building as a source of big data
• From consumer to energy prosumer
• Building as an urban infrastructure of the
new mobility
• Building as an e-health peripheral
• Building as a urban resilience tool

Host: Maurizio Melis
(Radio 24)
• Scenario introduction (SCT Turin Cluster)
• City Digital twin as a predictive system
• Participation platforms at urban level
• 5G and outdoor and indoor wifi: from network to services
• Smart mobility management
• New value-added services
• Physical and cyber security

Host: Giovanni Caprara
(Corriere della Sera)
• Scenario introduction
(Earth observation
to save the environment the environment)
• Environmental monitoring
• Infrastructure monitoring
• Water monitoring
• Innovative services for agriculture
• Georeferencing
• Telecommunications
Milano Smart City Conference target

Contact us:
Organizing:Pentastudio tel. +39 0444 543133
Institutional sponsorships
Media partner
Technical sponsor